Rebecca's journal-may be time to restart this


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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I'm sitting here waiting on this winter storm that is supposed to be so bad, and I can't wait for it to get here. Give us some relax time. Today has been so stressful. I can't go into the worst part of it, but it involves dh's family and is still happening. It's pretty bad. Dh has been stressed over it and very moody. We went to take his horse out to pasture as she was kicking the boards with both feet and tearing down the stall. He have to put her in it so the minis could have a chance to be loose. She attacks them if they are out together, so we took her to a seperate pasture where she will stay until spring when we have a chance to really work with her. ANyway we hooked up the trailer and as we went to take off dh's truck died. Long story short-we had to borrow a vehicle to move the horse and his truck is out of commission. Then kids came home from school and ds told me something hurtful that his teacher had told him. He is dyslexic and has a lot of problems reading and it keeps his feelings on edge. His feelings get hurt easily and the littlest things make him cry. He was genuinely upset over what his teacher had told him and it upset me and I called her. I guess the stress was getting to me too, because that call didn't go well. I went south almost from "hello". I feel really bad about that, I don't THINK she meant to hurt his feelings. But she definately meant to hurt mine when we were on the phone and she did a good job which only made me angrier. Then dh, who was really stressed after overhearing my side of the call, got angry at me for even calling her. I offered to call back and apologize. He calmed down and told me there was no way. I was in the right. I don't know if I was or not, but all she had to do was at least me nice on the phone and explain and I would have been alright. She was nowhere near that. Anyway ds will no longer be in her class. We have been discussing homeschooling him for a while now. Since he came to her class his grades have steadily dropped. I cried trying to tell dh what she had told me. And I feel like crying again over everything else. DS is so sensitive that sometimes he cries over the simplest things.


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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sorry rebecca, as a parent of a dsylexic child, it's difficult. :hugs

I don't know how it is in your state, but in Ohio, the schools get $$$ to help kids like your DS. (well, they get a chunk of money that is *supposed* to be used for that). After a year of fighting with the administrators, we prevailed, and our child is doing great now with her school work. (She was a "B/C" student and now is an "A" student in advanced placement classes!!! :weee

Don't give up too soon! Hold that school accountable!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I am married to a dyslexic who had a HORRIBLE teacher when he was in school that left bad scars. That witch used to make my hubby read aloud in front of the class while putting him down about his laziness and lack of work! :somad

I am also mom to 3, count 'em 3 dyslexic and/or dysgraphic children. (Two of which graduated with an A average!). Finally I am a teacher in Special Ed. Your next call should be to the principle. AND possibly a lawyer! Your son has the right to a quality education. If he needs extra assistance to get where he needs to be the school district is required by law to provide that for him. They should be giving him the appropriate testing and writing him up an IEP, which is an Individualized Education Plan, that spells out exactly HOW they are going to meet his needs.

I am ALL FOR homeschooling. It would be my personal choice as well, especially these days, but right now you need to be in the middle of them with both feet!

Back in the day my MIL got hubby help through a hospital where he learned to read with phonics. He really could not read until middle school - now he reads and understands FAR better than I do. Intelligence is not usually the problem with dyslexics as a matter of a fact most are of upper intelligence levels.

The teacher, however, was never disciplined. :somad She went on to become a school counselor!!! :sick

The Gift of Dyslexia is a book your family should own.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
Oh sweetie, it will be have a lot on your plate and it is enough to push anyone over the edge!

I am not sure how old your boy is but he sounds young.....with your nuturing care he will heal from whatever hurtful thing that she called her on it as any parent would have.

Quit beating yourself up! :hugs :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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My husband is dyslexic, too. So far ds is the only one who has inherited it. Dh never really got the help he needed. Until we were told ds possibly had it we didn't know a thing about it. I believe I can teach him MUCH better than a public school and give him a better all-around education.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
rebecca100 said:
I believe I can teach him MUCH better than a public school and give him a better all-around education.
I have absolutely NO doubts about that! :D


Mr. Sensitive
Dec 22, 2010
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Farmfresh said:
rebecca100 said:
I believe I can teach him MUCH better than a public school and give him a better all-around education.
I have absolutely NO doubts about that! :D
Rebecca, I have no doubt in your love for your child, as well as everyone else who homeschools. In our experience with a dyslexic child, unless you have access to the methodology needed to help the child to "rewire" their approach to learning, it will be hard to make progress (and set up long-term life skills). We didn't have the needed skills, and DD wouldnt be where she is without the school's help. 4 hours per night of dad helping with simple 4th grade homework (that should have been 1/2 hour) couldn't be overcome without profession help. Your mileage may vary.

We had to fight because she was an "okay" student and not a problem in class.

I wish you well in dealing with this! :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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I honestly cannot do any worse than the school. He is making straight F's. He has basically just given up trying. This will be his second time being held back due to his reading. It affects every subject. They are making NO attempt to help him. They gave him a reading color strip and that was it. We help him at home, but most of his work is classwork and we have no control over that. I feel like I am being ignored by them everytime I ask for help. Or I get some BS excuse about why he can't be tested. I was told everything from there is no test to it is not accurate. You would think they would want him tested to help with their funding, but I get brushed off everytime I mention anything to do with it. They gave him a tutor once a week. Other than that they seem content to just let him fail.

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