Losing a dog that is part of your life for so long is very hard. I still dream about my heart dog visiting me and she has been gone for almost 5 years now. {{hugs}}
Oh Rebecca I am so sorry. He was a beautifull dog! LOVE the pic of him on the couch, with your daughter(?) ( By the way, she is BEAUTIFULL) Its never easy, and there are no words toeasy your pain...but here is a hug. Hope it helps.
Okay my dh is a movie fanatic. I am not really all that interested-usually. I signed up yesterday for netflix. Oh my Gosh! Every movie I remember as a child. Even Quantum Leap and MacGyver!!!! I can see this as a potential problem already. I decided to watch just on Quantum Leap online at breakfast before I got ready for the feeding etc. Four episodes later I realize it is past noon and I have done nothing! All the old movies and shows I loved. It's addicting.... Over 100,000 movies....... Oh boy!
As if we don't already have enough animals in a small area, my dh bought a mini-mule! I have been waiting for almost a year for a milk goat and he buys a mule because it was cute and my dd liked it! Last Tues. when we went to get feed, as we were pulling in there came a herd of minis headed for the gate and then possibly the highway. Well we blocked the gate with our truck, but in their feel good frenzy they squeezed between the gate and the truck, went down the road, into the highway, down the middle of the highway, then went onto the bypass and out of sight. My dh and a couple of people who worked at the feed store went after them. After they got tired of running they turned around and headed home and put themselves back into the pasture behind the store. Well my dh and dd got sight of the little critter and my dd just thought it was the cutest thing. Skip on to Sat. We went back to the feed store to get some wire for the greenhouse. The kids and I waited in the truck. Well apparently somehow the subject of the mule came up and the feed store owner demanded my dh give his debit card back because he was getting the mule. My dh told him he couldn't afford it. Well long story short my dh bought the little bugger for $50! Normally that wouldn't be a problem, we can make room for it in the barn and give it the backyard to run in, but I HATE MULES!!!! really. And we have enough critters here. Especially with grumpy old woman neighbor! Well the one good thing is we have most of the junk hauled off and the place is looking much better, so maybe she won't complain too much. After all she is across the road from us so it shouldn't bother her any unless it brays!