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- #491
Almost Self-Reliant
So this morning started out like any other. I was washing eggs and complaining about the kids not eating enough eggs that I was getting too many. So ds and I decided to make pickled eggs. I quickly put some on to boil. Then I went to doing laundry. Then I got a call from dh. Someone had seen our missing horse trailer! He told me roughly where it had been seen abandoned and told me to hurry over there and see if it was ours. Well I grabbed the kids and we got in the car and shot over to where it was supposed to be. Nothing was there. I called dh to instructed me to call his friend who had seen it. So I called him and he told me where his BROTHER had seen it. He told me to look under the bridge over close to where I was at. Nothing there, but I did see tire tracks similar to our trailers and big lugged 4x4 looking tire tracks going off in a muddy trail in the woods past the bridge. So being me I wasn't going to give up and I followed the tracks while on the phone with his friend. Well the tracks went back into the woods then came out at another bridge under the main highway. Much to my absolute and complete amazement there sat our horsetrailer!
Then of course it dawns on me that it had just been put there because the tire marks still look fresh and I get paranoid.
I quiet the kids and call dh all the while hightailing it back to the car. Dh calls the police(wasn't hard since he works with 2 officers!) and comes to meet me. They went back there took a few pictures and collected a beer can that was found inside it and then let us take it. All this took about 3 hours or so. Dh had to stop on the way home and get gas in his truck while I followed in the car. I went inside with him and walked past the vinegar which reminds me that I was going to make pickled eggs. Pickled eggs then reminded me of the eggs I had left ON on the stove 3 hours before! I ran (literally ran!) our of the store and shot home as fast as I could all the time praying that our house was not on fire. I pulled in and was relived to see it still standing until I saw black smoke pouring out one of the windows. I ran inside and the entire house was enveloped in thick black smoke, but no flames. I held my breath and ran in to turn the burner off. I opened the doors to let as much smoke out as I could. One of the dogs ran out when I opened the door, but the other was nowhere to be found. I called and called and went back in the smoky house trying to find her. By the time dh made it there I was almost in tears. I just knew she had died in there of smoke inhalation or something. We all called and searched. By the time dh found her I just knew she was dead. She had crawled into a dufflebag in our closet and was hiding there. She was scared but okay. My eggs on the other hand were a pile of ashes and exploded shells.