Savingdogs-Saving the chickens


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
HaHa MTN, that made me laugh! Rio, my big Lab, doesn't carry big ol' stumps like that of course, but he loves to steal nice thick sticks of firewood and leave them all over the front yard!

I thought I had one... but I did find these





Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I love this!

BB, cats are alway welcome at Dizzy Dog Ranch!

I love the dressed greyhound pictures! While I've had a greyhound mix twice, I've never had to foster one of the racetrack dogs. They have their own, highly organized organization here that takes care of them all. I love that you know your breed and keep returning for another rescue, Rhettsgreygal.

Free, your dog looks so large in that photo! I guess sometimes a picture can be decieving.....your poodle look huge! I was picturing a 60 pound dog from that photo.

AL, I love your swimming lab picture.....we used to have a yellow lab mix that would dive down to the bottom of a river to retrieve a toy. She loved it!

And finally, Miss the North, your rottie's toys gave Hubby and I a belly laugh!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 15, 2010
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Marshfield, Wisconsin
savingdogs said:
I love the dressed greyhound pictures! While I've had a greyhound mix twice, I've never had to foster one of the racetrack dogs. They have their own, highly organized organization here that takes care of them all. I love that you know your breed and keep returning for another rescue, Rhettsgreygal.
Because we live out in the boonies, we can't volunteer with our local greyhound adoption group as much as we would like. We did foster one track dog and it was a hoot. Eddie is such a big goof who absolutely is afflicted the the terrible toy hoarding disease. We watched him while his dad and "skin brother" were on vacation last year. The first thing did was to pull out any lost toys from under the couch, then he took all of Dixie's toys off of the couch.


These are just a handful of the ones he dug out.


Swiss Army Wife
Jun 4, 2010
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Cute dogs everyone!!

Here's my old man, Scooter. He'll be 15 in May. I've had him just about half my life. I got him when I was 15 and I'll be 30 in April. He and I are two peas in a pod and we know each other very well. In this pic he's keeping watch while I work in the garden.

This is Elmer, a rescue we got as a pup. He'll be 2 in March. He and Scooter were celebrating his 1st birthday in this pic.

Elmer loves weird sleeping positions.



And in September we added Buford to the family. He's a mix of who knows what. We think hound and perhaps terrier or schnauzer.

He and Elmer love each other.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Katie what a cutie Scooter is! I love it when they are old like happens so quickly! But at least with little dogs they stick around awhile! You are around my daughter's age, she got a cat at 14 that is an elderly kitty but still around, too. Elmer looks VERY much like the dog from The Story of Red, except I believe Red is a little smaller, maybe a different mix, just the same look. I love that kinda dog, yours just looks a little more shepherdy than Red, but the same face. Buford, I believe, is at least part Border Terrier. He looks very much like one. What does he weigh? They are kind of a medium-small, and the coat feels coarse. Is his coat silky or coarse? When you see him next to the other dog he looks a little too big to be a pure border terrier. I think they weigh around 20 pounds usually or less?

Rhettsgreygal, believe me, being a return adopter is another way of volunteering. I'm sure you warm the hearts of your rescue group each time you return to adopt another. The one you fostered is a real sweetie, and I bet you are GREAT foster parents for prospective adopters. People who know the breed best are always the prime people to prepare new adopters. Breeds ARE different. I love how lazy our hounds are (ridgebacks are supposed to have a little greyhound in them somewhere back in the line). But we love hounds!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 15, 2010
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Marshfield, Wisconsin
We love all pups also. If my sil wouldn't have been a vet, we would probably have a slough of pound puppies instead of greyhounds. So many of the breeders are so worried that if greyhound racing stops, there will be no greyhounds to adopt. I somehow don't think it will disappear completely and if someone has to wait to adopt a retired racer if they really want one, they will get one. Otherwise the pounds are filled with dogs of every kind and many breeds have rescue groups. The dog that adopts you is the perfect dog for you in many cases.



Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
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Southern Washington State
I Love those greyhound pics! Brought a big old smile to my face!

and I love terriers/mixes - with whiskers! We had a beagle, poodle, and then two schnauzers when I was growing up. Beagle - not great. Poodle - smartest little silver dog ever. Then the schnauzers - one was sweetness and light, the other obstinate and more.

Great photos!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm sure there would be no shortage of greyhounds if they stopped racing them. Someone would start breeding them for the pet market and there are people who raise show greyhounds as well. It might actually help the breed to be bred for companion animal qualities as well as being top-speed. Longevity is also a goal that I always encourage anyone breeding ANY dogs to work to often they are worried about the color or set of ear or tail, when actually I think most of us would give up those things ANY DAY in exchange for another year or two with our beloved pets. I am a rescuer but I don't hate breeders, just hope to educate/work against those doing it incorrectly or for nefarious purposes such as dog fighting, puppy mills ..............and backyard breeders who don't mean harm, but overpopulation is a serious problem that needs to be dealt with in a little better fashion than we currently do. Hubby and I like to think we are part of the positive change in that department.

It feels very strange for us to be breeding goats, chickens, ducks and rabbits because we have always worked against most breeding of dogs and cats.

Shall I invite cat pictures too, now, so that our kitty-loving friends have time to share as well?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
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This is Mischief. She is our brindle pitt. She is asleep at my feet right now. I got her when she was 5 weeks old. Dh got her for my birthday. She is very much a member of the family- just as much as the children. When my dad was sick before he died we left our farm to stay with him. She was left in charge. We lived in the middle of nowhere with no neighbors for miles and the only road in was the one ending at our house. I went every day to tend everything and at night she was the boss. At that point everything free ranged. During the two weeks that my dad was in and out of the hospital she stayed faithfully with the animals. I had a hen hatch out chicks and twin baby goats born on her watch. When I came to move everything out to my dad's place I brought more than I had left. I had not even lost a chicken. More than once she has let me know of something not right with a low growl that still gives me chills when she does it. She is a wonderful dog that loves everyone and has never met a stranger. Most people never meet her though because they refuse to get out of their vehicle at the sight of her. Kids principal came to visit us once after the tornado and we were not home. She said later that she was afraid to get out of her truck at first until she saw that mean, scary looking dog wiggling at her door. Then she got out and played with her until she realized we weren't home. Mischief made a good impression on her and she talked about her when we finally did meet up. As for the tornado, she is scared of storms. We dug her out of the remains of our mobile home the next morning. I had thought she was dead when she didn't come to my calls the night it happened. I knew she had been in the house. At times it seems like she picks up on us and our feelings. Especially fear. If one of us gets scared then she starts growling, which isn't always a good thing! DS was watching the movie Gremlins for the first time one night and it was really windy outside. The wind caught our screen door and blew it open with a loud Whack! right at a suspenseful moment. Mischief had started growling, and ds screamed when the door hit. Mischief jumped up barking at the door as it slammed back shut. Ds was still screaming(he was 7 at the time). Mischief jumped at the door attacking it, ds jumped on the couch screaming, while dh and I were laughing so hard we couldn't help the dog, the door, or ds. The more ds would scream the more wound up Mischief would get at the door and the more wound up she got them the more he would scream! DD(5 at the time) just sat panicked-looking on the couch. :lol: I noticed the other day that she is starting to get some grey in her muzzle. We have been through a lot together. She loves people, but is quick to let someone she doesnt trust know to stay away.


This is Goldie. She is a pomeranian. At least that is what she is supposed to be. There is only one way to describe her- a NUT! SHe and the youngest DD(just turned 3) are best friends. They chase each other through the house and steal each others toys. If dd has it then she wants it and will steal it the first chance she gets. She quickly took her place as an irreplaceable part of the family. That is Isis our cat in the picture with her.

I'll try to get some pics of our other two dogs. One is oldest dd's chi-weenie and the other is ds' chocolate lab.

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