Boy, do I NOT miss those days...
Loved the fact I could run around in a swimtop, hated the fact that I HAD too.
We've got a nice touch of fall here, in the mid-70s.
I feel realy bad complaining!!! I know all of you had such a hot humid summer. We have not used or AC all summer and I sure am not going to start now.
No, OFG I won't throw any thing at you. But I may come for a visit!!
I lost one chicken. I just went out to open the door to the house. The hens are out free ranging but they do go back in to lay. Sure enough one of my big old fat Buff Orps was laying in there DOA.
I watered down my turkey run. They are panting a bit but seem ok. The heat has broke and is slowly coming back down. I think we are back to about 106.
The kids are home from school and we are going down to the garage. It stays reasonably cool because it's under the house. Partially surrounded with earth.
Murphy's I wonder if we are EVER going to get any rain.
I did however water the veggies yesterday. All of the carrots, lettuce and root veggies are doing great. All my sprouts are coming up. What a great thing for them.
On a GREAT note. My dh took the General manager position at his office today. It's not in writing yet but he told the boss he was going to "fix their broken wheel". We will see.
I melting too. I just brought several cranky girls home from school so they could go down the street to swim. Frankly it is too freaking hot to even walk down to the pool. Maybe that is because I am over heated and feeling a little barfy.
I DID break down and turn on the air yesterday and before we left the house to get the girls from school, my son who is home today, brilliantly turned the AC on....we arrived home a bunch of B I T C H Y chicks and we all went "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" when we walked in the house
I cooked a loaf od SD today and it looks pretty good!
Hang in the Dace, tomorrow is supposed to be only in the 90's.
My son came home kinda barfy as well. He had to run early this am. It was still close to 100.
You know I did turn on our AC for like 1/2 hour one evening mid summer and I had a coughing fit. I think it needs to be cleaned and have the filters changed. That was not fun, so I will tough it out today.
I think after homework it's out to the yard to play in the hose.