TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Almost Self-Reliant
May 28, 2009
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:clap Yay on the fencing supplies!
I'm trying to imagine seeing an acre of land entirely mulched. Not something you see in my part of the country.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
What a score! DH wants to fence in my darling chickens. They LOVE LOVE to scratch out the tan bark out of the ground level planters and the courtyard area. I'm always sweeping it up, while he's yellin' at me and those d*** chickens. So we have some of those old rusty t posts and alot of CA oaks. If I could scrounge up some more fencing, I'll staple gun it to the trees and put a t post inbetween for strength.


Almost Self-Reliant
May 24, 2010
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NW Florida
great score on the fence!
You can try putting household ammonia on your finger, it sometimes will help the sting.


Jul 12, 2008
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Nebraska Sandhills
TanksHill said:
So my SIL has this project. She has invented and is trying to patten some fancy diaper bag that rolls up and you can do one handed. When she was in the planning stages we sat down together to plan it. She really is not very experienced in sewing. I explained how I would do it to hide seams, etc.. She took my advice an stitched up a sample. Now she is going to attend a craft fair and wants to take several to sell. Yesterday she asked if I would help her sew them. I don't mind helping but I don't want to do them all. Even if she does offer to pay by the piece. I like to sew but I don't want to do it as work.
The best diaper bag I ever had, opened up completely (zippers on the sides) and was lined with a PUL type fabric, it was lightly padded, and served as a changing pad when open. I took it everywhere - disneyland, seaworld etc. It didn't hold a heck of a lot as far as changing supplies, but once I got into the groove, I knew exactly how many diapers I'd need etc. it was perfect for a day trip. I would use a clean diaper as a pillow and the pockets held extra's and wipes and a zippered pocket for the dirty ones or if disposables you could throw them away.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks to all.

Yes the fence was a great gift from the SIL. She is the one who I find all kinds of bargains for on CL. She is very successful and very busy. I found her a Free 4 horse trailer once. Took some fixing up but it was cool. I found her a great shed for her ranch. The guy was moving and he sold her an 8 x 10 Tuff Shed for 500 bucks. I would have bought it for myself bu I did not have the means to move it.

We still have some issues on placing the fence in relation to property lines. I am not going to fuss about 2 feet. These people help us watch the animals when we go to the desert. So I don't want to burn any bridges.

I took a Benadryl for the hornet bite. I totally forgot about it until now. So It must have worked.

Second SIL is selling the diaper bags. Well the first diaper bag is done. The fabric was rather thick and I broke two needles I think my needle is out of alignment. Not sure how managed that. Hi tech tings.. Jeesh.

She is coming back tomorrow for another bag. The first two are already sold. I told her I would do them with her but really did not want to do them on my own. She had like fabric pieces cut for maybe 50. :barnie Now their sitting on my dining room table. She has a website and has applied for a patten (sp). Good thing we have actually made a couple.

She is going to a craft fair the first week of Nov. Wants to have a few more to sell. She paid for a booth and said if I had anything I wanted to sell she would take it. Uhhh how am I supposed to craft if I am sewing her bags???

Comming to a store near you!!! http://myforgetmenot.com/#

I might whip out some beanies based on the yarn I have. :idunno

Anyways. It's raining here again.

I guess I should try and sew some diaper bag stuff.



Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
Congrats on the fencing and selling the diaper bags!


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
How bored does one really need to be to answer these questions?????

01. Name? Gina

02. Gender? Female

03. Disneyworld or Disneyland? I live near Disneyland but only go if I have to. :barnie

04. What is your favorite color? Blue, yellow, red I like lots of color.

05. What is your favorite kind of gum? Stopped chewing when I had to pay my own dental bills.

06. How much do you weigh? Yeah, right. :hide

07. How tall are you? 5 6

08. Can you swim? kinda

09. Do you like to swim? kinda :hu

10. Living arrangement? Married with kids.

11. What's on your mouse pad? Lap top :caf

12. Favorite board game? I used to play Othello a lot as a kid, Does that count?

13. Favorite magazine? Countryside. I am the proud owner of 10 years of catalogued back issues. :clap

14. Favorite Actor? I have many

15. Favorite Actress? Uhhhhh

16. Do you have an accent? no

17. Favorite smells? Fresh laundry off the line, lavender, babies

18. Least favorite smells? Anything that stinks? :sick

19. Favorite sound? Ok this is a bit odd. Uhhhh , I will have to think about this one

20. Do you prefer pools or oceans? Watch oceans, swim in pools

21. Do you watch Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Never

22. Pencil or pen? pen

23. Who's better - boys or girls? I love um both. No not like that. :smack

24. Would you like to own a motorcycle? My dh has a KTM, but I dont ride it.

25. Do you sing in the shower? No

26. Who's the best looking Disney character? Shrek??? :p

27. What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning? Coffee :caf

28. How many rings before you answer the phone? It only gets to 4 then the answering machine will get it.

29. How do you want to die? With a smile on my face. :D

30. Have you ever called a 900 number? No

31. Gold or silver? Whatever, Im not picky.

32. Would you ever go bungee-jumping? Yes, been there done that. 220 feet off a platform. What a great 4.5 seconds. :woot

33. Do you like dressing up? Depends on where I am going.

34. Would you rather be short or tall? tall

35. Do you enjoy reading? Yes

36. What book are you reading now? Root cellaring, Back to basics, the usuals.

37. Favorite books? SS books of course.

38. What was the last movie you saw? In the theater? At home, Up!

39. Favorite movies? Whatever doesnt skip.

40. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If you count my dh, then yes. :love

41. What is your sign? Aries, cant you tell?

42. What are your personality traits? :duc

43. What's your biggest fear? Not sure

44. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery? Sure why not.

45. Future child's name? I have 3 and thats that.

46. Favorite foods? All food is wonderful. Most of the time.

47. Chocolate or vanilla? both

48. Do you like to drive fast? yes

49. Storms - cool or scary? cool

50. Do you like to dance? Oh, its been forever. But I dance with my girls around the house. :bun

51. Do you do drugs? No

52. Do you smoke? No

53. What do you think of people who smoke? I think its a dangerous addiction. They should see the pics of my dhs mouth before he had half his jaw removed. They may change their minds.

54. Do you drink? Heavily at times. :woot

55. Favorite drink? Coffee in the morning.

56. Do you think men and women could ever be just friends without wanting each other? Yes

57. Do you eat the stems of broccoli? yes

58. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? Uhhhh

59. What's your "type"? My husband.

60. Do you bite your nails? No

61. Any siblings? Yes, 16. 8 brothers, 4 sisters and 4 half brothers.

62. What movies have you cried in? Almost every one I have ever watched. Including the AT&T commercials.

63. Do you believe in God? Yes

64. Did you ever cry over a guy/girl? Yes

65. Have you ever stolen anything? yes

66. Do you procrastinate? Doesnt everyone?

67. Do you believe in fate? yes

68. Who's your favorite Sesame Street character? Fozzie Bear

69. Do you organize your CD's? No

70. What is your favorite kind of music? Right now its country. But I gravitate towards classic rock as well.

71. What are your favorite bands/artists? All kinds

72. What was the last CD you got? I tunes downloads, ???

73. MTV or VH1? Does NO TV count?

74. Who do you admire the most? uhhhh

75. Internet Boyfriends and Girlfriends? All of you!!! :love

76. Are you single? No

77. Favorite TV show? Don't watch much TV. We used to watch a lot or Survivor

78. Blondes, Brunettes, or Redheads? Whatever, my dh is blond and this month I am a brunette.

79. Glasses or contacts? Glasses

80. What color are your eyes? Brown

81. What is your natural hair color? Brown

82. But what color is it now? Brown

83. Have you ever been in love? Yep

84. Any pets? Yes

85. Good, decent, or poor grades? Good

86. Is the glass half empty or half full? I drank it.

87. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? Yes.

88. What's under your bed? Rifle, bow, flashlight, old satellite box, a few socks, dust bunnies, maybe a few other things.

89. What is your favorite number? 4

90. Favorite sport to watch? football

That took way to long and was incredibly boring.



Should be Sewing
Nov 19, 2008
Reaction score
I totally did not know you had that many siblings! That is awesome! I would love to have that many kids! Did you enjoy growing up with so many siblings?


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Glad you got bored! :lol:

I too am a HUGE Countryside fan. :D We have even been to a Countryside reunion when it was held in Missouri. A great time that I highly recommend - BTW :bun
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