TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
gd, your right on that one. Geesh, you just can't win. I guess I am good to go now. No cash or credit. :woot


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Tuesday Oct 19, 2010

It rained this morning. Not just the icky fat foggy cloud drizzle we have had the past two weeks. But an honest to goodness downpour. :clap I woke up last night to the flash of lightning and the crack of thunder several times. This morning there is a chill in the air it feels like another soup day.

One of my house projects, or at least it's been on the list for awhile, is to put up rain gutters. I would like to catch the winter rains and save them for the summer garden. We have quite a lot of roof sq footage. and I figure I cans put a storage tank right under my porch. Just a matter of the gutters. I hope I can get to those soon.

I finished my second chicken apron this morning. My girls should enjoy them. Now I would like to figure out something I can had crochet for ds.

dh is busy with work. They did give him a promotion. Not the one they originally promised. But one step below General manager. I figure it's their way of paying him less but still having him do the work. They are not filling the position he is vacating and they are not immediately filling the GM position above him. Uhhh who is going to do all that work?? They also invited him to the quarterly GM meeting in FL. I think he is a bit nervous but he is good natured and well liked by all and knows what he is doing. That should get him far.

Our pay increase should be on the books soon. Not sure what it's going to be but my property tax bills due soon so it's already spent.

We took some sauerkraut to my dh 85 yo Grandfather on Sunday. He is German and grew up there until he was about 10. He knows sauerkraut. So I can't wait until I get his opinion. We spent some time visiting and talking about dh new job. We also told him we wanted to move to Mo. Which is a huge step for my dh. He has always said he could not leave because of Grandpa. I think things have changed. On the way home I told him he needed to stop talking about moving. It gives me anxiety. He said it's not if we move but when. Wow!!! That's a first.

Well, my little one woke up yesterday with a croopy cough. That child is almost never sick. But Friday she had dark circles under her eyes. No cold, no fever, no cough. Them by yesterday croop cough. Not sure what brings it on. When they have scratchy throats I have them gargle with baking soda. That usually does the trick. But I am not sure what to do when she gets those dark eyes. Vitamin C, kefir???

The older two are doing great, loving school and cruising through their assignments. I hope it continues.

This is Lady. She belongs to the tenant in my next door neighbors basement. She has been coming over more and more lately and hanging out with Tobias. I am a bit worried, she looks thin to me. But Tobias is thick and a bit over weight so what do I know. The neighbor is selling his house. I wonder if the tenant is staying? I wonder if I am going to inherit this dog? She kinda makes me nervous. That long nose and teeth. She is good though and listens well. Better than Toby that's for sure. Hmmmm....

They are good buddies.

So my SIL has this project. She has invented and is trying to patten some fancy diaper bag that rolls up and you can do one handed. When she was in the planning stages we sat down together to plan it. She really is not very experienced in sewing. I explained how I would do it to hide seams, etc.. She took my advice an stitched up a sample. Now she is going to attend a craft fair and wants to take several to sell. Yesterday she asked if I would help her sew them. I don't mind helping but I don't want to do them all. Even if she does offer to pay by the piece. I like to sew but I don't want to do it as work.

I should be working on my knotted blankets. I still have several to do. Maybe tomorrow.

I have been talking to dh and friends here about the meat birds. I really want to build a chicken tractor and raise some birds for the freezer. So let me ask yo this. I know on BYC I would be shunned but what to you think of chickens that only free range? Maybe supplemented by a bit of grains but NO commercial feed.

Give me your opinion.

Anyways. I'm off to do something constructive. I hope.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Beautiful dog! Makes me miss my Sirius. :/

I think she might be a little thin, but some German Shepherds are thin build and hard to keep weight on.

I love how she is crossing her paws. My Cassie sits like that a lot.

As for the chickens, I think you CAN raise them on straight grains... after all folks have done that for literally centuries. The main thing is to be sure that the chickens get sufficient protein. If you are raising these modern Cornish Rocks they do seem to require about 20 percent protein in their diet. They are such fast growers.

The chick aprons turned out really cute! You need to get pics with them on when the kids get their gifts. :D


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
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Southwick, MA
I've been keeping my laying flock completely commercial-feed-free for a couple of years now...maybe three and a half years....and just got my first 10 cornish-x's. I did use one bag of starter crumbles (25 lbs for 29 chicks) because they arrived when things were too hectic, but I switched them over as the crumbles were running out.

Chicks can handle the small grains starting at ten days old. They can start eating whole corn at about three weeks, maybe a bit older for some of the smaller ones or if you have a bag of corn that has very large kernels.

I ground some of my whole grains coarsely for the batch of hen-raised chicks we had this spring, but they ate very little of it. The hen fed them so well that they weren't too interested in grains until they got bigger and she couldn't keep up. Those nine birds are several months old and still don't eat much as far as grains go. They come over and eat a little with the flock, then wander back to the field, finding the grains not too interesting.

I sprout the barley and oats a little to up the protein. I supplement with meat scraps and animal fat as available.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks to both of you.

I have officially stopped using commercial feed for my layers. Not by choice at first but they seem to have adjusted well. They also receive the kitchen scraps and some sprouted wheat last week. The are all actively free ranging and seem to be enjoying it. At my next trip to the feed store I was going to purchase whole grains instead. I am sure they will do great.

I was just thinking about the Cornish x and if I got some could they eat the same things.

The girls will love the aprons. I just know it. I started one for myself today. Not the same colors or theme but variegated. DD 5yo was very jealous. :p

I know the Shepard is very active. but what worries me is her collar being gone. Not sure what happened to it. Or why.

Well it's still raining and the sun is going quick. I will need to brave the great outdoors and put my hens away. It's still raining here. :woot


chicken stalker

Power Conserver
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Binghamton, NY
TanksHill said:
Good morning world...

I Just got back from the local farmers market. I picked up my crock and bowl. I am definitely not using the bowl for the turkeys it came out way to small and not quite the shape I was hoping. Besides it's way to nice for the birds.

But the crock is perfect. He chose yellow as the color. Made a lid to fit and weights for the inside. The glaze is non toxic food safe.

It's so hard to tell the size. So here is it next to a quart jar.


These are the weights. The only question I have is that he did not glaze them. I know when using wood wights the Amish catalog says to coat them with mineral oil. Do you think I should do the same to the ceramic ones???? There are 3 sets, different thicknesses.


I am so excited to try it out. I bought 3 heads of cabbage while there.

Whoo Hooo!!! :weee

Wait, the best part. Did I tell you he only charged me 20.00 bucks for the crock???? I know I can't believe it.

Well off to make sauerkraut with caraway seeds.

What size crock is it? Did you find it to be a good size or would you do a different size? I am going to have one made by a local artisian.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
In the picture I posted that is a quart jar next to the crock. Not sure of the dimensions I would need to measure it. My first batch was 3 medium sized heads of cabbage and it filled about 2/3 of the way full. When I transferred the sauerkraut into quarts for the fridge I fill just about 4. So I think adding another head for a couple of more finished quarts is very doable.

I hope that helps. Good luck!!


chicken stalker

Power Conserver
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
Binghamton, NY
TanksHill said:
In the picture I posted that is a quart jar next to the crock. Not sure of the dimensions I would need to measure it. My first batch was 3 medium sized heads of cabbage and it filled about 2/3 of the way full. When I transferred the sauerkraut into quarts for the fridge I fill just about 4. So I think adding another head for a couple of more finished quarts is very doable.

I hope that helps. Good luck!!

ooh sounds like a good size. Could you measure the diameter and the height , I can figure out the rest. Thanks


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Monday, heck, I a ashamed to say I don't know the date. Ok I checked. The 25th of October.

So I have wanted some kind of a fence FOREVER!!!!! I have moaned and groaned and tried to figure out how to fence in my property for about 10 years. Not going to happen. Every bid I got was over 10 k. Just to much land, terrain a pain, the whole thing. :he

Well a few days back my neighbor called. This is the elderly German man who lives on the acre I sold him. He and his wife are always very helpful. They are very SS and do things in the Old Traditional ways. They even helped me build my chicken coop. The one that backs to the property line between them and us. And there lies the problem. :barnie

I stopped buying my hens commercial feed. They have been doing great on whole grains and very actively foraging. Unfortunately the have been on his property. A few months back we put up a makeshift fence to keep the gals on my side. According to him, they march down the drive as a "united front" to mess up his mulch. They mulch their whole acre. 10 in deep. So they have good bugs what can I say. :idunno

Anyways, so I called my sil. The one who has horses and just bought that old Alpaca ranch in Fallbrook. I asked if I could buy some used t post from her. She said she had some post that were kinda round but she could not use them for the horses. Something a about them rubbing and hurting them selves.

So off to Falbrook we went on Sat. morning. Behind this garage on her property she has just tons of stuff stacked. Must have been several hundred of these used post. Very strange. They are like a rolled piece of aluminum with cutouts for the wire to sit on. About 5 ft long. She also had more galvanized fencing than one would believe.

So to make a long story short. Yeah I know to late. We left with two truck loads. We took some of the old poles and 5 rolls of 5ft high field fence. I also snuck in 3, 4ft high rolls of welded wire. I have that chicken tractor project in the back of my head as well. :p

It's crazy how the world works. When I have literally no money and do not know how much longer I will even be living in this house. The dang fence I have always wanted falls in my lap.. Well we are only fencing bout 1/2 acre for the hens but it will be a big help.

So we spent most of Sat and some of yesterday straightening and driving the post. PITA, old rusty and kinda bent, but free. Then we managed to wire on about 100 ft. Only about 300ft more to go.

All I can think is "what else can I Put in that fence??" :D

This is going to be a busy week. Today my other SIL and her diaper bag project are coming over. I really don't want to get involved on this. I need to tell her that I don't want to work for her. In a nice way. :hide

Kids are having a Fall Festival on Sat for school. I am going to help with my sons 5th grade bbq. Serving I think.

Between now and then I need to catch up on laundry and house chores. Do some grocery shopping, figure out Halloween costumes and bake a few small cakes to donate to the cake walk. Oh, then there's the pumpkins for Jac O Lanterns, carving the lanterns. :barnie

Heck what about my fence.

I laid in bed last night trying to figure out if there is any part of it I can do without dh. The only thing I cam up with is straightening out the poles and getting them ready. Not much help. So we probably wont get to work on it again until next weekend.

Well that's about it for me. It's about 6 am Monday and my kids will be up and going soon. I guess I should too.

Have a great day.


ps I just realized I have a swollen pinky finger. I got bit by a hornet at SIL ranch. I hope it doesn't warrant a doctors visit. Its getting itchy, hot and fat.
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