TTs Chicks Pics and Ramblings


Sustainable Newbie
May 8, 2010
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Ocala, FL
I love snakes. I caught a black rat the other day when I was mowing the lawn. I just let him loose after I showed my dad, mom and sister. We have mice here so he will take care of them, the only thing I have to worry about him eating are my button quail but they are in a cage that he cant get in to :)
I have never seen an Oak Snake though, very pretty :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 4, 2010
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modern_pioneer said:
Snake stew? :p Belt?

Now there is just a small handful of critters that give me the willies, I can handle eight legged things, varmints of any kind, anything that flies, but those snakes give me the willies.

On the farm the old well pump was set into a concrete block 4 foot square with a metal lid on top, in the summer in would always be full of all sorts of snakes. If the breaker blew inside, we'd lift the lid with a tool handle. Often times there would be so many snakes that when we did lift the big lid off we would kill one or two, there were just that many.
Just the opposite with me, while I feel OK with snakes, their soft and cool and smooth skin I do not do well with big hairy spiders, hell NO:D we have a couple of native snakes around here in Poland living on the farm plains they are not poisonous so I got used to snakes, then some friends had snakes. I am sure that when I will one day I hope be on a farm, I will also have a snake or maybe even multiple to make the life cycle a whole, to give to them any unhatched eggs (not the stinkers of course) any rabbits that are born dead. It actually will save me some money, couse according to regulation, drop-dead farm animals are a waste and as such, should be taken to processing plants, but little to no one does that with the small critters It aint that easy with pigs/sheep/cows couse they have to be registered no later then at the age of 6 months, from that point on they monitor what you do and how you deal with possible drop dead, where you butcher (couse you have to own a according to regulation butcher room to be allowed to market meat killed at your place). I did some reaserch and turn out, you can feed them to a snake, but a woman at the department was not sure if you had to be considered a breeder which means a pair of snakes, or just a pet snake.

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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:bun My doe is due today - when I went to feed critters awhile ago she has started to pull fur, I put a nest box in for her on Sunday - course she didn't have much fur in the box most was on the wire. This is her first time (and mine) please send good bunny birthin vibes this way :bun

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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:barnie I hate waiting - checked doe before I left for work this morning still no babies :barnie

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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Thanks ya'll - it's going to be a looooonnnnnggggg day today. I'm gonna call dh and have him go out and check on her probably mid day ;)

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
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We've had chickens here for about 2 years without any problems well I had my 1st predator attack last night! :barnie . DH & I were sitting on the porch this morning and he looked down and said you have a chicken in the yard - huh?? So I jump up and look and I have a dead hen in the yard. $HIT!!! Grab my mud boots get the dead hen up and go out to the pen - there are feathers all around inside the pen and another dead hen inside (the dead hen inside was one that I intended to cull when we did the meaties but didn't). Walked all the way around the run and found where something - I'm thinkin a coon - had pushed his way in. The run is built out of 2 x 4 welded wire that I got from tearing down my Dad's old hunting dog pen so it's good wire. I guess today will be securing my runs - now that something has found them I'm sure it will be back! The run that the waterfowl and rabbits are in isn't nearly as strong as this pen and now I'm worried about them. Not the way I wanted to start/spend my Saturday!

BTW - still not baby bunnies - I'm gonna give her a few more days and if she doesn't kindle I will breed her to my buck. It just sucks though cause I paid more for her because she was bred - figured if she had & raised at least 2 kits I'd come out ahead :he

TTs Chicks

Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 12, 2008
Reaction score
Well I never got any bunnies - :barnie The buck I had gotten apparently had something wrong with him he died last weekend - thankfully I did not have him out there with the does yet so he couldn't pass on anything to them. Now I'm on the hunt for a buck

It's starting to feel like Florida summer here - yesterday the heat was just awful.

I need some help - one of my geese is sick. A couple days ago when I went out to feed I noticed that one of the geese couldn't stay on it's feet. It could still move around but kept falling down/over like a drunk . . . brought it in I don't see anything . . . it's in a dog crate to restrict it flopping around and so I can keep an eye on it . . . now it can't seem to get up at all it can move it's feet and neck/head but nothing else. I tried to search BYC and the net and couldn't find much. I did see alot of reference to trying a molasses flush - molasses and water - so that is what I have done. It can eat, but I have to help get it's head over the water to drink. I was hoping maybe it would get better, but I don't see anything yet - Anybody ever had this happen? Got any ideas?

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