I am so with you on this!!!! Marriage is a protection. Not a restriction. Assuming two good people are married to each other, that is.ohiofarmgirl said:Biology? thats what we should base our decisions on?? biology is why we have self control and some of us think its a virtue.redux said:I think abstinence is overrated. It is a nice, quaint idea but it is not grounded in the reality of human biology.
here's what i got from abstinence:
1. respect for myself
2. no worries about getting STD's
3. not knocked up
4. (*looks over at husband* ) The Big Man..
the generation who told women to just run right out there and hump away didnt do us any favors. please do not dismiss abstinence as some "quaint idea." some of us think its rooted in biblical principals that work.
sex between consenting adults is natural. between 12 year olds? shameful.
big brown horse said:I have to agree, 12 year olds should not be having sex.
I think this age group should be kept busy after school. Cell phones, computers, texting and TV off limits unless I'm there! No MTV, VHI, and especially no Keeping UP with the Kardashians!!
I cringe thinking of my own 13 year old having sex...YIKES! I know it can happen, sure, but not on my watch. Sure, she has crushes on boys in her classes, but she isn't going to be spending any free time with them.
She is too happy feeding the animals, gathering eggs, growing things in our garden, reading books and riding her horse...things a young girl should be doing.
On top of it all, this age group forgets to put on a coat when it is cold outside, how in the world would they remember to use protection??? Kids have enough to worry about in life. Getting a life long disease or ending up pregnant shouldn't happen on their parent's watch.
I talk about sex openly with my daughter, she knows all about the birds and the bees. Sex isn't a bad thing, just not something she should be doing at a young age.