But people....people just annoy me. I usually worm a goat before it leaves - just so the people will see me doing it and know its been done.
People: Can you give me a bottle of that wormer?
Me: No, this wormer costs $80 a bottle - I can't give it to you.
People: Can you give me some of it?
Me: I can SELL you some of it.
People: Can't you throw it in...I paid you $50 for the goat.
Me: The wormer costs more than the goat.
People: Can you disbud babies when we have some?
Me: I prefer not to do other people's goats just in case something goes wrong.
People: I don't care if something goes wrong.
Me: I could teach you how but you have to get your own equipment.
People: How much does the equipment cost?
Me: It's not cheap.
People: We'd rather just let you do it for us.
Again - I love animals...people I'm not so fond of.
I think I'll start just butchering instead of selling. It's a lot less trouble.
I need to start thinking about butchering some old hens now. I'm aiming for tomorrow but that would be almost impossible for me, lol. I like to think about it and plan it and change my mind and then change it back for a couple weeks before I actually do it. But it does need to be done...
I put seeds in the ground today too! Not a bunch - but 9 zucchini seeds are in the dirt. Three hills of three seeds...we'll see how that turns out. AND, drum roll please.... My mulberry shrubs have mulberries on them! Woo Hoo! But, does that really make sense to be so excited about them when I just spent weeks cutting down blackberries? If the black berries were well behaved they coulda stayed - but nope - they had to wander all over creation and try to take over the place so they hadda be tamed.
Very proud of Gracie. She has kinda learned to co-exist with chickens in HER backyard. They won't be in there forever. A few more weeks at most I hope. She's really doing well...except...that...she kinda herds them back into their pen whenever she's out there alone. There is one bunch that lives in the dog kennel at night and another few that live in the moveable chicken tractor. This silly dog knows exactly which ones go where and she will separate them and put them in their own pens. Now - if I could just teach her to wait until dusk and to be sure and close the gates she'd be perrrrrfect!
Already milked Noir today. She's giving me very nearly a half-gallon out of ONE side of her udder. Her baby never learned to use both...silly girl. Heck, I'm only getting 1/2 gallon from Cameo and 1/2 gallon from Lucy when I milk both teats on them. 'Course each of them is raising two big babies and Noir only has one baby to deal with right now. And, for Noir - it's a 24 hour fill because I'm the only one that's getting milk from it. For Cameo and Lucy we're lucky if we can get a 10 hour fill from the time I pen them up in the mornings until I feed in the evenings. But, I'm getting at least a gallon and a half a day and it takes very nearly all of that to feed the two bottle babies. I'm beginning to mix more and more cow milk into it so that we (and the human kid next door) can enjoy some.
Yep - English Shepherd. Love the breed (most of the time). But, they do have an obsessive streak!
Babies ARE chow hounds. So glad I'm not feeding three of them anymore. Geeze... And tonight, I spilled almost a half gallon of milk right down the drain. I said a bad word or three.