Quail_Antwerp: Words from the Barnyard...


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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These are my new blue and splash Orp babies that I hatched out from a BYC'er's eggs. :D




framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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They're so cute! And good job on the woodworking! It's easy to get addicted :frow And yes, picture frames are easy, just do what you did and then route out a bit on the back (leave an approximately 1/8" by 1/8" lip) for the glass and you're in business!


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you!!

I have more Blue Splash Orpingtons hatching right now!! :celebrate These ones are from Mountain Laurel Poultry on BYC. The three in the pics I posted were eggs from gumpsgirl on BYC.

My adult stock I currently have were hatched by BeccaOh last year from dutchchick's eggs. Today, we had a yard sale, and since their hoop house is close to the driveway, a couple of our customers saw them and kept commenting on how beautiful they are.

And they lay really nice and big light brown eggs!

I'm really excited over these Orp chicks I'm hatching right now - me, who sold off all my buff orps because I couldn't stand them - am now falling in love with the color varieties of the orps!!

I'm hoping to build up a small flock of black orps out of the black/lavender split and black/blue splits that I will have after my hatchings this spring. :lol: I hatched one black with lavender split gene this year - so am hoping to work with that to be more lavenders and more blacks....the Orps I have hatching right now SHOULD be blacks and blues only, as she let me choose which pens my eggs would come from and I didn't pick any pens with splash in them.

I'm tempted to sell off my Welsummers - because so far this year, my best sales have been with the Wyandottes and my Orps.

But, if I win that Platinum Poultry Membership I'll have unlimited BST postings, and maybe sales of my other breeds will pick up when laying picks up. :hide

Our Nature's Hatchery order arrived yesterday. They didn't have my Lavender Cochin Bantams or my Black Sumatra Bantams. They said they are on back order. Becca got some Jaerhorns and LF Black Cochins and LF Black Langshans (the Langshans have since become MINE....lol) and I got my Gold Laced Cochin Bantams and Mottled Cochin Bantams....

Now we're having rain and any outside work I wanted to do is on hold.


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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I need to get something out - before I scream....and I'm trying to decide what's the right thing to do, ignore or warn people?

Here is where I talked about trading my BCM chicks for some BLRW - and in a post one page back I had commented that I almost didn't make the trade....


The reason I almost didn't make the trade, is because the BLRW were advertised to be 20 weeks old - almost laying age. They were on the small side for supposedly 20 weeks old....I felt that they were more along the size of 10 week old chicks. :(

To put it into perspective, I got 5 chickerdoodles at 19 weeks of age from Keljonma, and they were the size of my full grown chickens! :th

The lady insisted that the BLRW were December's chicks, ordered from Blue Poultry. (Blue Poultry's birds are a cross of Foley's and Paul's BLRW)

Anyway, the woman gave us a tour of her chicken area, and was pretty much bending over backwards to make me happy because she really wanted those BCM chicks.

She also sold some Welsummer and Wheaten Marans to Becca - and the Welsummers didn't turn out looking like any Welsummers I'd ever seen.

Her breed pens were small cages, and the birds had pretty much just enough room to eat, drink, and lay an egg. They were cages the size of dog crates - cages that I would consider housing maybe a pair of bantams, but never LF. And they were stacked one on top of the other.

Most of the cages had either a pair of birds, or a trio. She then had this HUGE barn room with enclosed run that housed all the younger birds she had growing out.

I made the trade, more out of what I felt was the proper thing to do since Becca HAD drove me down there and it was nearly a 3 hour trip one way.

Anyway, now the reason I'm bringing this up? she's now on BYC. She has a listing up for her French Wheaten Marans and says, "My roo with his favorite hen". I've SEEN those birds - they live 24/7 in the cage that she took their picture in and favorite hen my FOOT! It's her ONLY hen!!! (not counting the young just hatched ones she was raising up - it's the only hen of laying age right now). She's selling 8+ eggs, so that means the OLDEST egg a person will get from her will be at least 8 days old. Plus, and I need to do some research into this, her roo has white earlobes - and I thought brown egg layers wouldn't have white earlobes???? but I'm not that up on all the Marans standards......

Normally I would mind my own business, and not feel like anything should be said, but she posted this long winded thing (to which I replied) in the Crazy Egg Chain Chat thread giving everyone a lecture NOT to ship old eggs..... and because I have had dealings with her and have seen things in person, I strongly feel that she's a little less than a reputable breeder - or to give her benefit of the doubt, she was severely duped by whomever sold her the birds she has.

The expensive "breeder" feed she claims to feed her birds - it's turkey feed! When we were down there, and I commented on the small size of her 20 week old birds, she told us she feeds turkey feed to all her birds because it's supposed to be better for them, make them grow faster, etc. etc.

She also had 7 month old BLRW's in a breeder cage, and they were so small, I asked her if they were bantams. She said NO! :duc I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut, and my instinctive reply was, "There's no way they are 7 months old then, because my LF BLRW are waaaaaaaaaay bigger than that! and they're 2 years old." I don't remember what her reply was, but I was so sick to my stomach, and couldn't wait to leave, and I know poor Becca was worried we'd made the trip and I was going to change my mind. :hide

But, I made the trade, and we left, and I struggled with guilt over leaving those BCM's to who knows what kind of care. Yes, I know, it's just chickens.

So now she's selling on BYC, and I feel like she's being less than honest - and I don't want to call her out on the forums.

She was not very helpful at all when she was told that the Welsummer chicks she sold were nothing but mutts. She insisted they were pures, but they definitely DID NOT resemble Wellies - in fact, one actually resembled a BLRW AND had a rose comb! :th Even after explaining that it had a rose comb, etc, she insisted that she had no young BLRW in the brooder with the Marans and Welsummers, and that she "showed us the parents, and both parents were definitely Welsummers".

The BLRW I got from her are beautiful. They're finally filling out, have doubled their size (except one hen, who's growth seems to be stunted), and they are starting to get red combs. Personally, I think either they didn't get enough nutrition before I got them, or they were so small because they were NOT as old as she says.

Anyway, I just had to get it out. It's driving me nuts every time I see her post more eggs for sale, or try to trade eggs - and I just needed to get it out before I exploded.

< end rant >


Always doing laundry
Oct 31, 2008
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Oh lordy..... Look, you of all people, know how to take care of your birds and what they should look like! I don't blame you for being concerned about this lady's setup.

I don't know how I would handle her advertisements on BYC. I would be afraid of interfering too much and starting a feud that could potentially get you banned. You've worked too hard on your setup and business to lose out cause of someone else.

Take a deep breath and let her ruin herself..... :hugs


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
lorihadams said:
Oh lordy..... Look, you of all people, know how to take care of your birds and what they should look like! I don't blame you for being concerned about this lady's setup.

I don't know how I would handle her advertisements on BYC. I would be afraid of interfering too much and starting a feud that could potentially get you banned. You've worked too hard on your setup and business to lose out cause of someone else.

Take a deep breath and let her ruin herself..... :hugs
Wonderful advice Lori! She may fool some people, but in the end quality IS what people remember.

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