TanksHill...Roll on!!

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Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
mackay.. When we bought and built this house we thought this was "country" enough. Now I think I need a bit more land. Grass fed beef just keeps running through my head. I know there is a lot of land in the high desert but then again the desert does not lend itself to grass fed beef. :p Besides I think I would prefer something out of Ca. The taxes and cost of living here are out of control.

FF that's what I was wondering. The potatoes came from Mo. Baker Creek. I thought maybe they were some kind of heirloom. But I don't remember. I will give the seed pods a go that's for sure.

BBH I got to tell ya, the beer goes great with the veggies!!! I had a tomato with some cilantro then wandered over to the snow peas. It was a perfect snack. Then had another while I sauteed my green zucchini, and yellow squash for dinner. Darn, I should have picked lettuce for a salad. Maybe for tomorrow. :D

H23, your welcome, glad to help. I am thinking about starting another batch of potatoes. What did you do for your garbage can plants? Just poke holes for drainage?? I guess it would be just the same as a big bucket, but bigger.

After talking about that guy with the funny hair yesterday. The one who wrote Wild Fermentation with Sall Fallon. I did a bunch of You Tube watching on making sauerkraut. ORChick was talking about it. Anyways, it looks really easy. And we LOVE sauerkraut arond here. Oh and cabbage is on sale. :ya It's just meant to be. I am going ot make some. Any recommendations on the salt????

I just need to find a food grade bucket. Oh and after you make it how long can it stay in the fridge?

Any and all advice welcome.



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Well the diagnosis is not good. My 2000 Honda Odyssey has been given it's last rights. Well not really but it certainly has issues.

It started with my smog check. I failed. Well I actually passed but because of a fault code they could not give me a certificate. For those of you not in Ca. this means I can't register my car.

So I made an appointment with the local dealership to check the code as well as my transmission. It has issues. Not a surprise considering my car has a recall and warranty extension because of a faulty trans.

So the guy calls me yesterday. No good. The reason my car did not pass smog is because a critter ate some kind of venting line. He says 250.00 to replace.

The bad news, the trans has an internal issue. Honda dealer does not fix he will only replace. Ugggg.. They want 5300.00. Yes that right 5300.00. The car is not even worth that much.

So I cried. Then called around. I found a local trans shop that will rebuild my trans with a cost between 1800.00 to 2500.00 bucks. Oh yeah, like that's any better.

So here's the kicker. When my dh lost his company car due to fil selling the business FIL gave us a ford ranger. I kinda figured it was a severance gift. Like "Here sorry I screwed you out of a job and messed up your life, gft". Well dh got a company car with new job. FIL had to give his Cadillac back, lease was up. So we gave him the ranger to drive. He as recently acquired Chrysler due to a repo from a former employee. So I told my dh I wanted the ranger to drive. Not ideal because it doesn't really hold the whole family but does have jump seats and I could squeeze the kids in if I had to.

Well I have been home for almost 2 days with no car and for some reason the ford has not come home. DH is now telling me the ford really belongs to his dad. I considered it severance. I paid 700 bucks to register it and I pay the insurance. What do you mean it's not my car? :idunno :he

Ok so I feel better for venting. Thanks for listening. But I still have no car, I refuse to buy something I have to make payments on. We can't really afford to. My options are to save money and replace the trans in my van or sell it cheap and buy cheap. Either way gives me a headache.

Blah, blah, blah....

Peaches are on sale this week at my health food store. 4 lb for a buck. I need to get over there a buy some to can.

It's hot as heck here. Monsoonal moisture from Mexico coming through Az. We actually had some lightening and thunder yesterday. A few drizzles as well. We watched the weather from my porch. The kids cheered and ooed and awed at the show. Cheap easy entertainment. :D

I picked 20 lbs of potatoes out of my garden yesterday. Whoohoo!!!! Some softball size but mostly small and smaller. They tasted wonderful. I just got a kitchen scale free so I have started weighing my garden produce. I am gong to try to keep a tally. Kind of like they do at Path to Freedom.

I have 4 cubic yards of gravel coming in about an hour. I ordered it the other day for my driveway. (before I know about my car) I think I will be working on it this evening. After the sun goes down.

Well got to get moving. Have a great day.



Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
boy oh boy - that FIL continues to suck the life out of the family relationship. Darn him.

Potatoes sound delish!

The weather you had yesterday made its way up here. It got to a cool low of 72 last nite, and the house is still 78 while the outside is already 79 and muggy. Its 8:02 a.m. as I'm typing this. Clouds, muggy. I'd like a few raindrops tho. Been a long while since we've seen rain here.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
Thanks Lori!!

MR, glad to hear some of the cool air has made it up our way. I am hoping for another bit tomorrow. I have not checked the radar lately.

My rocks arrived. I just spent the last hour moving one little shovel at a time. Trying to not exert to much energy. Slow and steady goes the tortoise. Took a break to put the sprinkler out for my hens. Doused my self with the hose at the same time. Nothing like a one woman white t shirt contest. I win!!!!! :celebrate

Sorry it must be the heat. :D

Watered my veggies. Picked some wax beans. I did not plant all that many but they sure do look good.

Well back to the rocks.



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
:hugs My sis is having car problems as well.

Her main car threw a rod and is now officially dead.

The secondary car won't start at all they bought a $95 starter last night and replaced it and still nothing.

Her tractor is having hydrolics issues.

AND she has to be gone for the weekend as they have reservations for a float trip. They are down to one working truck.

VERY frustrating.


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Hi Gina.....sorry to hear about the car :( I hope you get it taken care of soon.

Your garden pics look great! Everything looks so green and healthy. I am sooo looking forward to planting a few tomatoes as soon as we get into the new house!

We enjoyed the weather show yesterday too, the rain was great!
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